Longest Night Evening Prayer via Zoom on Tuesday, December 21st

"The winter solstice is the longest night and the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere. For many, the lack of daylight intensifies other suffering. What an opportunity, then, to share that the message of Christmas is specifically sent for those in pain and suffering. It is not that 'all is merry and bright.' Rather, it is the abiding truth that God seeks to be with us, even when we are 'blue.'

You may join via your smartphone/tablet/computer by clicking this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83402664022?pwd=VnZxM01tSS9WZUFiRTlIU1d5SGFzUT09 (Passcode: Grace). You may also join via your regular phone, by calling 646-558-8656 and entering the Meeting ID: 834 0266 4022 and Passcode: 596350."

–excerpt from the Virginia Synod ELCA's Facebook page


The Twelve Days of Christmas With HHNM


Church Office Closings for Christmas